May 31, 2012

Learning HTML5 Library specialist

It was a story about how you can make the site more convenient and simple for users. The book was called by the method of Usability by Steve Krug , and was kindly provided by the publishing house "Peter." But this is not the end of our cooperation, in "Peter" seriously interested in improving my technical skills by offering to read something else. I immediately liked the book for HTML5.Technology, we can say revolutionary to some extent, and which is relevant in our time, and I, to my shame, not very familiar with it. And let not a coder, but the work of constantly having to edit someone else's templates, whether the introduction of personal ideas or fix the mistakes of others.

Thus, the book - Learn HTML5. Library Specialist - 272 page paperback about the new Web standard markup documents HTML5. The publication is a translation of the English-language books (successful abroad) by Lawson, B., Sharpe, R., professional programmers that use HTML5 for a long time and know all its intricacies. Fortunately, here you will find detailed specifications and dry language to hundreds of pages, most of the books take very specific examples of working with HTML5. In them the authors are trying not only to show how to use some elements, but also give a detailed explanation of each. We can say that the "Library Specialist" is ideal for web designers or users of the HTML or XHTML, which would quickly learn as a new HTML5.

It begins with the story of what appeared HTML5. It turns out it might not be as many experts have decided that the future layout of web pages for XML. As a result, there were new specifications XHTML, but "full transition" has not taken place. And at the same time a group of like-minded people, where they were independent developers, representatives of Mozilla, Microsoft, Apple and many other well-known companies have focused on the creation of HTML5.Interestingly, a large enough role in the development process itself played a browser, they could (in part) to dictate terms. In any case, if it was a new language, but these or other browsers would not support it, the benefits of this were not enough. Hopefully HTML5 will be the most unique and versatile tool for all (or at least most) of the Internet browsers.

Actually, reading the book, I felt a great interest and even some inspiration about HTML5. Language practically all the main aspects and technological features of the modern Internet. After all, it is strange that during the video and audio content, geo-location applications, complex web projects, many still use the old HTML4 to XHTML, with some improvements. I remember when I was reading a book at the Institute for HTML4 - it was in terms of how this may be, 200 pages, but in the end of useful information from it could make an order of magnitude smaller. There is, in principle, and there was a big deal - tables, formatting, forms, two or three dozen tags, which are assessed at 90% of Internet pages. HTML5 in this plan went much further and it's great!


The book "Learning HTML5. Specialist Library "consists of 10 chapters, covering certain features of the language HTML5.

  1. The basic structure - that which has undergone a change basic structure of web pages, the structural elements of the header, nav, footer, article. A study was conducted of millions of web sites for the definition of what constitutes a modern web, it is not surprising that many of the classes of the elements recur. Now, instead of "inefficient" DIV you can use the notation nav, which allows the browser to understand exactly where the navigation bar, etc.
  2. Text - text formatting has undergone further changes.
  3. Forms - were the new attributes, and types of input data.
  4. Video and audio - a section on working with video content, players, etc.
  5. Canvas - an element allowing to draw in 2D directly in the browser. In basic form it is certainly not impressive and more like an old Paint, but based on it can do cool and more sophisticated applications.
  6. Data storage - Working with web store and SQL databases.
  7. Independent work - the mobile Internet is now virtually everywhere and all, but not always the quality of communication allows you to work with applications online, stand-alone operation - the solution to all problems.
  8. Drag and drop - an overview of the drag and drop.
  9. Geolocation - as I understand it, is not part of specifications HTML5, but discussed in the book as one of the important and interesting technologies.
  10. Messages background calculations and sockets .

In each chapter you will find the necessary minimum of information in order to understand the essence of certain innovations HTML5. Again, the text reads easily and contains lots of code examples with detailed explanation. The book is ideal for learning from scratch, and as a small allowance, which can be continuously from time to time to seek an explanation - it is unlikely you will soon need all the 10 chapters. Order the book "Learning HTML5.Library specialist. "Online can online publishers, Peter, in the same piece of one of the chapters in order to get acquainted with the contents of the product. For web designers uniquely useful thing, even before the introduction of HTML5 in runet will be more than one year.


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