May 31, 2012

Free Font Embedding Recognition Service

So, you look at your favorite resources and find it on the site that uses a font that you like. Do you also want a font (and the sooner the better!) ... And what should be done to find out the name of this font? Sound familiar? Yes, we all have been in similar situations.

The easiest option - just write the webmaster of this site and ask the name of the font, but also where it can be taken. The answer may not come immediately, in addition, not all webmasters are responsible for such letters. So I decided to compile a list of free online resources to accelerate the process of identifying a font.

A. What The Font

Service What The Font created one of the largest font (, - shareable). This resource is number 1 on your list of identifiers of fonts. Just download the picture with the font that you want to identify the server WTF (do a screenshot and carve the word with the pleasant characters - shareable) or insert a link to the image of the font in a special line. The system will show you the results in the different versions of fonts.

What The Font

If the system does not recognize the font, you will be asked to go to the Font Forum , where you can post the picture with the font and wait for a response from the experts about what this might be a font. I've used both, and this is usually solved most of my questions regarding fonts


This service is called Identifont uses a different approach to identifying and finds your fonts by asking some questions about it. This resource can be useful for you if you do not have the font image that you are looking for. In truth, I myself have never been able to find a font through this service, but maybe I'm the exception!

Search Font Identifont

The developers of the service argue that it is "the largest independent resource for fonts on the Internet that contains information about fonts from 534 publishers and 143 vendors."

Message Boards: Typophile

Typophile - this may be the greatest and largest community of experts on the fonts. Your question you can ask, posted a picture with the font on their forum. If this resource does not help you, the majority of sites on fonts (typically, sites with free fonts) is a forum where you can post the question and a picture with the font you are looking for.

Typophile community fonts

Bowfin Printworks

Website Bowfint Printworks offers a wealth of information and a variety of online tools to identify the font, asking questions about the form of font glyph. This resource on the scheme works similar to Identifont, but it seems to work faster, because All data is entered on the same page, while Identifont makes you go through many pages, which may seem tedious. The site includes a guide to font Script, Bauhaus-style, Sans Serif, and Serif, and Lined.

Site Bowfint Printwork

The site owner is also willing to answer any questions relating to the identification of the font, by e-mail.


TypeNavigator created by developers Fontshop. It uses the same operating principles as Bowfint, ie asks questions about the shape of each letter.

Service TypeNavigator

It should sweep that at the time of publication of the article there were some problems with downloading services, but the developers promised to fix the problem soon.

Flickr Typeface Identification

The popular photohosting Flickr group is typeid (Flickr Typeface Identification), dedicated to the identification of fonts, and a group of Fonts in Use , which laid out the fonts used in the different pictures (logos, labels, posters, etc. - shareable). These services may be useful for quick reference about the fonts.

Group Flickr Typeface Identification

PS Group typeid much more active, and there you can get a faster answer to your question

Lists fonts

Sometimes the best way to find a font is a font viewing lists, which contain the most commonly used fonts. Here are some popular resources with lists of fonts. You can use them to quickly obtain information about fonts.

list of fonts Modern Life Blog

Modern Life Blog

The Logos of Web 2.0

The Logos of Web 2.0

Just Creative Design font list

Just Creative Design

Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine

list of fonts Urban Fonts

Urban Fonts

PS On behalf of myself and the readers of Design Mania would like to thank the project for this perennial selection of really useful in the service. Original article can be found at Deport Webdesign . Sometimes it is from the font in the design of the site depends on many things. The most commonly used, of course, standard operating time, but with the development of the Internet, HTML5, services, font designers are gradually paying attention to other design features of texts.


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