March 25, 2018

How to do SEO Optimization for E-commerce Websites Ultimate Guide

What is SEO?

The answer to this question is changing over time. In the early 90s of the last century, SEO search engine optimization generally refers to adding Meta description and Meta keywords to web pages and adding sitemaps to websites to guide search engines to index keywords for website content in order to facilitate user search.

As meta keywords are abused, search engines introduce more reliable mechanisms for index ranking, and SEO optimizations are more about how to build a large number of backlinks to guide (or mislead) search engines to score high scores for websites and linked keywords.

As search engines become more and more clever and cloud computing capabilities have increased dramatically enough to track and record user browsing behaviour, today's SEO optimization is more related to content marketing through Content Marketing to enhance user experience.

The search engine is not designed to help make money by doing business. The search engine is to serve users, help find information to increase the exposure rate, and then use the exposure rate to buy advertisements to make big profits. In the long run, by only posting high quality content, this search engine can make you look and improve your SEO rankings. However, in the short term, there are indeed some kings to optimize your website SEO rankings. It is the scoring factors that directly address SEO rankings for fine-tuning web content and leveraging third-party platforms to increase backlinks.

SEO optimization

The author emphasises that SEO requires quality content. Injecting premium content is more effective than general SEO optimization methods, especially after the release of Google Panda updates. But assuming no major changes to the content of the site, what should SEO optimization do? The practice is for the SEO ranking scoring method, which is what we call the SEO ranking factor.

In-page SEO ranking factors

The ranking factors that can be adjusted within a web page are the so-called intra-page factors.  How to choose SEO optimization search keyword" ). For example, the title contains search keywords or not, the frequency of search keywords in the content, and so on. The meta keyword is relatively less important. In particular, it is known that Google does not refer to the meta keyword. So I would not suggest that you spend time setting the meta keyword. SEO URL slug is especially important.

Out-of-page SEO ranking factors

Inside and outside of a web page, SEO ranking factors determined by third parties are generally referred to as reverse link backlinks, which are the so-called out-page ranking factors. It is no longer useful to pay back the paid link paid link today. If you do not care, you may be punished by the search engine. For beginners in general, they should focus on submitting and joining navigation sites in the yellow pages directory. Registering your online store or product in a navigational classification website can give one more way to make your customers aware of your product and website, and on the other hand, it can increase your website's SEO rankings. At present, many large navigation websites are free to register, and registration on navigation websites is not difficult at all.

User Experience SEO Ranking Factors

Some have ranking factors related to user experience, such as time spent on the site, bounce rate, and so on. This is the so-called user interaction SEO ranking factor User Interaction Factors. One way to optimize the user experience is to increase the use of internal links inlinks within a web page. A high-quality content will generally provide readers with relevant hyperlinks that guide more in-depth discussions of other issues. Pointing to other pages by increasing internal links within the page will help improve the page's Quality Score. For quality scores, see What does Panda Quality Score mean for online stores?

Internal links act like a good salesperson. When one person walks into a shop in a shopping mall, the excellent sales staff will not let the guests easily leave with their hands. They always try their best to promote other useful things in the shop to the customer. Therefore, professional shops will add more products such as related products, classification labels, etc. to allow visitors to browse more stores or information.

Other factors affecting user experience include whether the typesetting structure of the website is fluent, whether the menu structure is reasonable, and whether the font size is suitable for long-term reading. Compare the following fine-grained windows in Microsoft's 1990s with the positive black boxes used in Windows 8 today. Do you think the latter is more pleasing to the eye? 

Website SEO ranking factor

Site Ranking Factors Site Factors refers to site-related factors, such as the site loading speed, the number of invalid links, the total number of pages, whether the site is updated frequently, and so on. In general, if a web page loads faster than 4 seconds, the visitor cannot connect. The improvement is to optimize the image, introduce a buffer mechanism, and upgrade the web server. You can use some automated online services such as: Online Broken Link Checker to check the invalid link on the website and modify it manually. But one of the most important site ranking factors is the authoritative Domain Authority of the domain.

Social Media SEO Ranking Factors

Some ranking factors are related to social media, such as how many Facebook likes, tweets, etc. This is called Social Factors. For the average beginner, regularly on Facebook, microblogging sent to the product or service news to help improve SEO rankings, remember to add backlinks to connect to web pages. Information needs to be shared by the community (including like, comment, share). Developers of social media have only provided platforms and content is created by participants themselves. 

For example, you share a travel experience with Facebook, others join discussions, and so on. In contrast, traditional print media, such as newspaper television, began as content providers. The focus of using social media is that information can raise awareness and allow followers to add value to your content. If you are using the content management system Content Management System, there is probably already a few plug-ins that facilitate the automatic publishing of website content to social media.

Special SEO ranking factors

Some of the ranking factors are related to search engine algorithms, such as Query Deserves Freshness, Query Deserves Diversity, geographic target considerations, and so on. This is called Special Factors. Many of the above mentioned SEO optimization work can be very tedious. Without an effective content management system platform, it is very laborious and difficult to do well.

Different search engine considerations

Google has the highest global market share, which is about 60%. Bing and Yahoo use the same engine, adding up to about 30%. Different search engines use different methods to calculate rankings. For example, Meta describes Google without scoring and Bing and Yahoo score points. Too many repetitive keywords are deducted from Google, but Bing and Yahoo may not matter. Our experience is that once Google has achieved a high ranking, it will slowly gain high positions at Bing and Yahoo. 


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